Long Distance Moving

Moves that are over 160km are considered long distance, and are charged an approximate cost, travel time, FSC (Freight Service Charge), and 5% GST on the total.

Note: An approximate cost will vary depending on how the client packed their contents, the accuracy of the items to move and their weights, and the access to the loading and unloading locations. If the move exceeds 3 hours more than the estimated time, an additional charge will apply at the hourly rate until the move is completed.

When an estimate is required for a local residential move or an office move within 160km, an estimated cost can be agreed upon by the client and an Movers Cochrane Representative with a prepared Moving Contract Agreement prior to the moving day.

For a small local move, we can give you an approximate cost on the phone, but we recommend a visual estimate for long distance moving. A visual estimate is $60 and takes about 30 to 60 minutes at the location. When the move is booked with us, the $60 will be credited towards your moving cost.